Monday, October 27, 2008

If You Ever Are In Need Of Guidance....

How to Tell Your Family That You Are Gay

Are you gay? Do you want to know how to come out to your family? Here are some suggestions for making as direct and painless as possible for all concerned.

  1. Determine who is likely to be the most supportive person in your family. Tell that person first. Ask them if you could meet when they can spare some time to talk about something important to you. When you meet, be direct - don't beat around the bush. Say it simply and without apology, and wait for their questions, etc. If this person is accepting, get them to help you come out to your whole family. If this person does not accept the news well, keep on going until you find a supportive family member.
  2. Choose the best time for you and your family. You will be the best judge of when the best time to tell each person is. You may want to tell everyone at a family gathering, or you may wish to take each family member, one at a time - your own personality, style, and family dynamic will determine the best way for you to share your news with the family.
  3. Have your supportive relative on hand. If you choose to make an announcement to come out, be sure that the relative you have already confided in is on hand to help cue the other family members to behave maturely. If you choose to tell some loved ones in a smaller, more private way, let your confidant know your plans so that he or she will be prepared to talk with the relatives you've just clued in.
  4. Be matter-of-fact and keep it simple. Maybe you've decided to make one announcement to the whole family. If so, don't make a huge deal of it because that implies that it is a huge deal - but the idea here is to get your family to deal with it the same way as they would deal with finding out that you wanted to change your major in college. You don't want to make a big, dramatic deal of it, because if you do, they will become more agitated than necessary. Say something simple like, "You've probably heard by now that I'm gay. This is my partner, and I hope you will all make him/her feel welcome."
  5. Speak clearly, don't joke or laugh. Whether you're telling the family as a group, or just one or two people at a time, the more confident and easy you are when you make your announcement, the easier your family will handle it. If you treat it like you are ashamed, they will be more likely to be ashamed of or for you. Just say it, keep it simple and to the point, and then just go about the business of hanging out at the party. You know. Like it was completely okay with you - because it should be.
  6. Allow time for them to process and assimilate your news. Some family members may accept your announcement with a shrug and smile, others may cry and ask if it's their fault. Whatever the reaction, remain calm and know that these things take time, and the calmer and more confident you appear, the less freaked out they will be. If someone tells you they are shocked, angry, disappointed in you, devastated, etc., tell them, "I wish you didn't feel that way, and I hope you'll wish the best for me, even if you don't agree with the way I need to live. I love you and I understand you may have some concerns or questions, and I'll be glad to talk with you about it any time."
  7. Repeat as necessary. There are some relatives who may willfully choose to ignore what you have told them, and continue to make remarks about you "Finding the right man," or having "a nice man friend whose son would be perfect for you," or "someday you'll get married and put all this nonsense behind you." Firmly but kindly remind them, "Auntie, I love you, and I want you to remember that I told you I'm already involved with someone? She is my partner and I won't be going on any dates with any men." When Auntie insists that the relationship won't last because it's not "normal", respond with, "Even if it doesn't last, Auntie, there won't be any dates with men. If, God forbid, our relationship doesn't make it, I'll be looking to date some other girl." If, despite your best efforts, your aunt continues to make this type of remark, it's best to simply avoid her, and if she asks why you never call or talk with her any more, just tell her, "I find it very difficult to have an authentic relationship, Auntie, because you haven't been able to come to terms with the fact that I'm a lesbian. I love you, but until you are able to accept me the way I am, and treat my partner with respect and dignity, we won't be seeing much of one another. I'm sorry about that, because I love and miss you, but I won't go back into the closet to help you feel more comfortable. This is my life and I want to live it honestly and with someone who I love and feel better with."
source: wikihow

Sunday, October 26, 2008

just when you start to give up hope....

....this was sent to my inbox

now i get to play this kickass game before most people do... and you dont!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Gran Intercambio de Piezas de Bici!

Este sabado 25 de octubre se estara llevando a cabo una actividad para intercambiar/comprar/vender articulos de bicicleta o bicicletas como tal sera desde las 10 de la mañana hasta las 4 de la tarde si tu crees q necesitas pimpear tu artefacto ciclista metele felpa sin pensarlo dos veces de seguro sales con algo bien bichote la actividad se llevara a cabo en la Calle Rosario segun tengo entendido esto es en la parte de atras del museo de arte de Puerto Rico para mas información
787-648-1113. den cuyoes.

Donas Aymat.

Ante la llegada de la mentira que todos aman para sentirse mas gringos las donitas aymat siempre han sido las killers deja de mentirte a ti mismo cuando tu eras chamaquito y hibas pal hospital o a salir con tu familia sabes que siempre terminabas con una cajita de aymat en tus mano y ahora por que fuiste a los iunaite esteits y te comiste una dona y un cafesito empotrao por 5 pesos en un donut shop les pitcheas. Ahora hoy en dia cada vez que me llega una cajita de donas aymat la aprecio ya que no me llegan muy a menudo como antes y eso es bueno saber la inestabilidad de cuando te vas a comer una y hace que la espera valga la pena te recomiendo que le pitchees a cualquier tienda de donas y te vallas con la melaza a la segura.


I wanna give a shout out to the cockiest ad commercial host ever.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Maldita sea la madre q lo vuelva a parir

me encojona tanto tener el control remoto lejos, yo en un lau del sofa y el control en el otro y por no poner la laptop al lau pues me estire pa cojerlo y que paso? q no llegaba y trate de halarlo con la punta del deo y lo q ise fue empujarlo y se iso cantos las baterias volaron pa un lau y la tapita pal otro....

solo a mi...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Nuse's Pick of the Week

Esto es lo que estoy bebiendo esta semana, nesquik de fresa es la puta hostia y atrevanse a decir q no pa q vean como les rompo la boca

The Bicycle Mobsters

Check yourself and join your local bike gang before they wreck yourself it ain't safe no more.

i keed i keed
-La Brigada Bike Gang.

Miss Humacao:El Futuro de Puertorro

Que tu Sabes del Calentamiento Global?

Friday, October 17, 2008

La misión de la licensia heavy

Ayer, por presion de mi padre y mis abuelos, sali al area de examen de conducir en caguas pa ver si veia a alguien q diera clases pa sacar la licensia heavy (pq yo kiero ser truckero bn macho y peludo) y no vi a NADIE! so el guardia de seguridad de alli viene a donde mi cuando me ve como perdío y esta es la conversacion:

Yo: oye, tu no sabes quien da clases pa la licensia heavy?
Guardia: Cuál es la que tu quieres? La 8?
Yo: si
Guardia: tu sabes el liquor store donde era el area de examen antes?
Yo: si
Guardia: ve alla y pregunta por chespirito, el esta ahi ahora mismo y dile q yo te mandé, el guardia de obras publicas... y si no está en el liquor lo mas seguro está en el supermercado...

entonces salgo de alli y me acuerdo de lo de "dile a martinez que el paquete no me ha llegau..."**
y me empiezo a reir por el camino hacia el liquor...
entonces llego y me dirijo a la caja y le pregunto al q esta alli: chespirito no esta por ahi? y el me dice q no lo ha visto en to el dia y yo me voy decepcionado.... llego a casa y me pongo a llamar a escuelas de conducir y me dicen :
Son $260 por todo pero tienes q ir a obras publicas y sacar un certificado choferil y cojer un curso que ellos dan a los que van a sacar la licensia heavy, asi que ve y saca el turno y despues q te den el certificado vienes aca y nosotros bregamos con el resto.

Hoy me levanto y salgo pa obras publicas y llego como a las 12:30 y me dicen q la oficina que brega con lo q yo se supone q haga la abren a la 1 asi q me siento a esperar, entonces me acuerdo del parkimetro y salgo a echarle chavos y me doy cuenta q lo q tengo son solo 50 chavos so se los hecho al parkimetro y me da una hora adicional gracias al q estaba antes q yo q me dejo casi una hora en el parkimetro so ahora tengo 2 horas por el precio de una; vuelvo y subo a la oficina y ya faltan como 5 minutos, los espero y abren la puerta y me preguntan oy le digo q kiero ir a las clases de licensia heavy y me dicen:
tienes que sacar un record choferil q es con $1.50 en sellos ahi en la colecturia y lo traes aki.

Como no tenia $$ tuve q buscar mi cheke en el carro y caminar como 8 bloques hasta el banco pa hacer la jodia fila de como media hora pa cambiar el cheke y volver a la colecturia pa comprar los sellos y sacar el record ese. Entonces el tipo me dice: "tienes 2 violaciones por exeso de velocidad no puedes tener una mas pq no vas a poder sacar la licensia. entonces me dijo el dia y la hora de la clase y lo q sea y ya! tengo q esperar hasta noviembre pa cojer la clase esa y empezar a guiar "troces" chu-chuuuu!

**chiste interno si kieren saber preguntenme

Burlington Coat Factory

Los otros dias me dijeron q ya habian abierto 2 tiendas destas en PR y una en caguas y otra en la 65 so ayer fui a la de caguas y tiene par de ropa melaza y de precios accesibles so si quieren desen una vueltita por ahi y gozen...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Los Babies!

Here's a few bands you SHOULD give a listen:

Bust a Move
Una Banda Mas
You Will Suffer
Per Nostra Vocis
Andy's Revenge


El amor de mi vida deberia de ser el tuyo tambien.

Bicicleta como metedo de transportación es lo que yo uso hoy en dia.Hace un tiempo atras decidí empezar a correr bicicleta o baika como quieras llamarle con unos amigos y puedo decir q es la mejor desición que eh hecho en mucho tiempo ademas de tener mas accesibilidad a cualquier lugar es un metodo economico de transportación ya que la gasolina hoy en dia esta "de pinga" prefiero seguir de esta forma ya q vivo en un area bastante accesible y no veo tanta la necesidad de un carro en estos momentos. Si no tienes bici y deseas adquirir una hay muchos deambulantes dispuestos a venderte sus bicicletas por minimas cantidades de dinero, si tienes una corramos un rato.

You Can't Handle the Phone!

I've allways been amused about how puertorricans are when it comes to new things coming to the island as the Iphone is about to be released i believe my puertorrican gene hit the spot and I NEED ONE even tho im way too far from having money at all i believe this will be the new "it" in this little island of coconut selling hillbilly's. But if you really want it get those green ready as the price the phone made by the gods is being sold at $199 for the 8GB model and $299 for the 16GB model and it requires an $18 dollar extra fee to upgrade you ATT account or a $36 fee to open a new one.

Victrolla Collective

Victrolla Collective es una marca independiente de camisetas confeccionadas en su totalidad por sus creadores desde el diseño gráfico hasta la impresión. Es un proceso autogestionado inspirado en el grafitti y el arte urbano. Este proyecto cuenta además con la colaboración de varios artistas del patio tales como Juni,Sez,La Ele, Son,Bare,Demian entre otros que se unierón para aportar su creatividad y apoyo.Aparte de hacer sus propios trabajos tambien brindan servicios de impresion de camisas de todo tipo.

Aqui unos varios diseños de su pasada collecion de camisas:









Esperen la nueva colleccion de camisas de Victrolla Collective

Para mas info:

Entrevista a Joythief


Entrevista a Joythief hecha para / Entrevista a Joythief

Efectos Vocales

por si no habian oido este tema de Nach pues aqui lo tienen pa q se deleiten..

Owl Jolson's Pick Of The Week: I Monster

I really don't have much to say about this awesome band in between the catchy chorus, dreamy pianos and electronic beats it makes a hell of a great band you SHOULD get into it they have two full lengths CD's called These Are Our Children(1998) Neveroddoreven(2003) and a new album coming soon which they haven't said the title yet for more info:

oil?oil? Bitch you cooking?

As years go by i've seen many clowns that try to step up to the challenge trying to be the new Dave Chappelle we've all seen the epic failure that Carlos Mencia did but now im in total disgust of this new show called Chocolate News. Is Comedy Central that desperate about having a funny black guy back again on the air? what was they thinking when they tried to get David Allan Grier to replace Dave!? does that even make sense? no it don't.

I'll keep on eating my cookies and enjoing my orange juice and forget all about this nonsense

Huracan Omar =Fail

Mientras todos encendian el aire y decian aqui viene el huracan voy ah hacerme el loco y no voy a ir a la universidad ni al trabajo mañana Huracan Omar tenia planes de joderte el dia

school/work, you haz it


si necesitas motivacion para ese juego q se llama vida pues aqui tienes este mensajito positivo...

pensamiento aparte: (no creo q el q se invento las t-shirts haya pensado en todo lo que les iban a poner en el futuro)

First Blog: Last Call

Welcome to the daily donuts soon to be the most interesting thing to read after hours done by some interesthing couple of dudes and maybe some dudettes later who knows i don't also check out the pixel monster and you will move blogs done by some good and awesome people
